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It's Seb!!!

And this site is an art piece. A glimpse into the Old Web - Pre Google SEO Hacks (Search Engine Optimization; if you didn't know that, keep it that way, your life will be less miserable). This sort of site is what the free internet was meant to be (minus the spyware! =^D)

Well, hey all, likely you've met me in some capacity or another and know why you're here. If not, I run a wide variety of projects and general silliness. I have a few ongoing "actual" projects, but also do a lot of one-off goofiness. If you're being VERY generous, you could call a lot of silly stuff I do performance art, lol, which is why I'm registered mainly as an entertainer thru the toll-free number.

What is the deal with this toll-free number???

If you want to be signed up for my automated toll-free text system, shoot me a message and I will probably add you. It is through Klavio, the service I use to manage the toll-free number. These are legally regulated by the US Gov, so I am using Klavio to manage all of that so I keep a bit out of trouble. In theory, Klavio can read anything you respond to that number with, so perhaps text me directly with anything too strange; I also have Signal Messenger as well.

The main function of the toll-free text system is sending out periodic newsletters about happenings in my world. If you've found this page, you likely have me on one or more digital venues; however, as you may have picked up by my long reply gaps, I have limited time, and every digital bubble I am in is only a sliver of my true capabilities. =^) The General Newsletter is the best way to see a broad overview of what I'm doing in all of those areas; there are other newsletters as well. Unfortunately, they cost money to send out, so donations are appreciated and you can find info on that in Financials.

This site has a few pages only right now, but I am trying to keep it more and more up to date.

Thanks for reading through! Have an excellent time. 😎


This isn't the place to find me as an IO Psychology Contractor. If you'd like to do that, take an option below.

Looking at my professional information

An ever-behind landing pad can be found at:

Be sure to shoot me a message through LinkedIn if you have any questions. You can find my profile there.

Scheduling a work meeting with me

That can be done here:

For best results, message me on LinkedIn and let me know why exactly you're trying to contact me. If you do it cold, I may or I may not be able to show up (I do get spam).


Likely, you already have my phone number. The fastest, most reliable way to contact me is ALWAYS a phone call, followed by an SMS/MMS to that number. I generally have everything else muted!

Scheduling a chat with me

EZ. Visit:

Newsletters (of which there are many)

This is how I keep the many people I know up to date on general happenings. Info on this can be found on another page, here: Newsletters

About the Portuguese thing... 👀🇧🇷

Note on Portuguese Translation:

Since US English is my first language, I write all content in English first and then translate. However, I can't always do this in one go. So, I will always post all content on both the English and Portuguese sides of the site; however, sometimes content on the Portuguese side will temporarily be in English. =^)

Já que o inglês dos EUA é minha primeira língua, eu escrevo todo o conteúdo em inglês primeiro e depois traduzo. No entanto, nem sempre consigo fazer isso de uma vez. Então, sempre vou postar todo o conteúdo tanto no lado em inglês quanto no lado em português do site; no entanto, às vezes o conteúdo no lado em português temporariamente estará em inglês. =^)