Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy:

Seb doesn't really collect personal info if possible, but the services this is built on do. I have disabled every tracking checkbox I can find in Klavio (toll-free number manager). The best privacy security is not storing the info in the first place. A few things I intentionally keep (there is probably more miscellaneous stuff I cannot think of):

  • your name
  • your phone number
  • what newsletters you're subscribed to
  • whatever messages you respond to the toll-free number with (along with their date/time/etc)
    • These messages are stored in Klavio

I can't guarantee what info Klavio, PayPal, and Venmo try to hold onto. Don't send anything thru them you don't want saved somewhere. This is the price of living in a country with next no data protection legislation.

If you want as secure as possible, use Signal messenger. You can find me there if you'd like. (There is a lot of alt-right nonsense that it's insecure or Telegram is better; both are flat out lies. Telegram doesn't even encrypt messages by default and stores all kinds of user info; Signal stores the phone number you signed up with, account creation date, and last connection date. That is literally all.)

ToS page copypaste for convenience

You're not really using a service of mine, per se, just reading a newsletter and interacting with me. Don't do anything a lawyer will knock on my door over, I know a few of you like to get silly-goofy. However, this stuff is built on other platforms that DO have ToS's and collect data.

The toll-free number is managed through a service called Klavio and money is generally managed through PayPal and Venmo (owned by PayPal). Try to keep your notes and responses through those services safe for work or I'll have to pull you off which I would not like to do; Venmo and PayPal in particular like to freeze accounts with NSFW contents and keep the $$$.

Here's the official link:

PayPal ToS:

Klavio ToS:

Venmo ToS: