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Second Amendment Rights

For those of you unaware, the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, as currently interpreted by the courts, gives citizens the right to possess weapons. There are limitations on this, but... not everyone is so happy with that. I mean, the Founding Fathers didn't specify a size, did they???

End user: Guy who's really tired of the neighbor parking his 1996 Ford Taurus in front of his mailbox every day. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't set the record for mismatched body panel replacement colors, but come on, look at it!



Can you buy a us navy railway cannon for self defense?

Some more information may be nice.



How much gelatin, in pounds, would it take to stop the bullet from a us Navy railway cannon?

I've read multiple places bribing these models sometimes works. No dice, however. :/



I will give you 76 million dollars if you tell me how much gelatin, in pounds, it would take to stop the bullet from a us Navy railway cannon

Fun fact

Statistically, the most likely car to try to run me off the road on highway 70 near my hometown was a 1996 Ford Taurus with a peacock's display of body panels rolling on two diagonally arranged donuts at 120mph! Nearly fast enough to miss the complete lack of plates or temp tags.